First up, ya gotta check out the haunted Corn Maze at Jackson's Mill Airstrip in Weston. Celebrate the harvest season and experience thrills and chills in the Haunted Corn Maze on the WVU Jackson’s Mill airstrip.
The maze will be open from 6:30-11 pm each Friday and Saturday in October. There will be special hours from 7:30-10 pm on Halloween night, October 31st.
Due to the nature of the attraction, this activity is recommended for people ages 12 and up. Admission is $5 per person.
This month-long event is being sponsored by WVU Jackson’s Mill, the Weston Fire Department, and the Jackson’s Mill Volunteer Fire Department.
Jackson’s Mill is centrally located in Lewis County, just outside Weston. For more information, visit theWebsite at jacksonsmill.wvu.edu.

At Ledbetters in Buckhannon....Southern Fried Rocker Chris Knight(who you've heard on the John Boy and Billy Big Show) will be jamming on Saturday night. The show is courtesy of our Harrison County Homeboys, The Davisson Brothers Band. You can purchase tickets at Sam's Pizza in Buckhannon, Bel Meadows in Clarksburg and at the door Saturday night at Ledbetters on Kanawha St. in downtown Buckhannon. Details on Chris at: http://www.chrisknight.net/
The Robert C. Bryd Eagles are off this Friday night so we'll be rockin' with Alice Cooper from 7pm to Midnight on the FBY!

The Trans Allegeheny Lunatic Asylum is hosting Hospital of Horrors till Halloween. We're giving away tickets, so listen to win. Check out more details on the Spooky fun at: http://www.trans-alleghenylunaticasylum.com/
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