The Bridgeport 3 Band Jam is Thursday July 11th.....Come on out!
And check out the Davisson Brothers Band, The Clarks and yours truly.
Admission is $12.00 at the gate(cash only) and benefits the Benedum Festival. Support the cause and we'll make this show even bigger next year!!!!
Tickets in advance are only $10.00 at www.ticketmaster.com or by calling (304)292-0220. Or stop by the FYE store at Meadowbrook Mall.
The show will be on Meadowbrook Rd(right before the Pete Dye Golf Club) It's an outdoor event so bring your lawn chair, your blanket and be ready for a good time.
Michelob will be providing plenty of beverages and Russ' Ribs will be there with Barbecue and Roasted Corn. See ya there!!! A Summer Party from the Nationwide Tour Players Cup, The Bridgeport CVB, The Benedum Festival, Michelob and West Virginia Radio.
Now...how about Chris Johnson from Volgo, West Virginia. He just won Dee Synder's National Contest to go to Rocklahoma this week! Chris' entry is below.....Check it out. And listen to Dee Snynder's House of Hair every Saturday night at Midnight on Classic Rock 102.3 The FBY!!!
Congratulations to our Rocklahoma Contest Winner!
Chris Johnson of Volgo, West Virginia!
This year, we had an especially tough time picking a winner for our HUGE VIP Rocklahoma contest. After pouring through thousands of entries, we whittled it down to our top 50. Then we let the HOH staff start voting. We figured that any entry that got multiple votes would make it into the Top 5, and then we would decide from there. Well, it turns out that only one entry got a vote from every single judge! So, the winner is ......
Chris Johnson from Volgo, WV. Listens to WFBY, 102.3FM out of Clarksburg, WV!!!
Chris will be escorting his fiancee, Theresa, to the show and they couldn't be happier. Chris and Theresa get 5 nights hotel, airfare, VIP tickets for all 5 nights, and a chance to meet some of their favorite artists in the backstage HOH lounge. When we asked Chris to name his top 3 picks at Rocklahoma, he chose Tesla, Warrant and Queensryche but said, "Honestly, there isn't one band playing we wouldn't be honored to meet." We're looking forward to meeting Chris and Theresa too!
Making your rock n' roll dreams come true, we're the House of Hair. As Chris says, "I'm still walking on a cloud."
Here's Chris' winning entry, in case you want to hone your skills for next year:
Winning Rocklahoma 08 Contest Entry
I've camped out for Queensryche tickets in sub 20 degree weather. I've traveled from West Virginia to Rumford, Maine to watch L.A. Guns play in front of 16 people. I skipped my high school prom to go see AC/DC. I've driven three hours in a blizzard to see Tesla. There are two K-Mart's near where I live. I don't refer to them by the towns that they are in. Instead one is the K-Mart that I found Twisted Sister's Come Out and Play record at, the other is the K-Mart that I found Black N Blue's Nasty Nasty album at. Once while waiting outside for a Faster Pussycat show me and one of their techs saw a funnel cloud forming in the distance. Rather than come up with an escape route, we came up with a set list the band could play acoustically if the club lost power. I've bought Bang Tango's Psycho Cafe album seven times. One for me and six to give out for Christmas presents. I have four cats named Nikki, Tommy, Mick and Vince. I cried when Randy Castillo died. I'm not saying I'm the biggest metal or hard rock fan in the world. I truly believe the devotion this genre of music gets from its fans is a big reason why it is so special, why it will never go away and why an event like Rocklahoma can take place. I'm just a guy with a few good stories and a lot of great memories. That same L.A. Guns show I mentioned above, is where I met my fiance, who is also my best friend.
So I feel like I'm a pretty good example of how strong the power of music can be. I've led a blessed life thanks to this music and the incredible lineup of bands at Rocklahoma have helped build the soundtrack of my life. If Dee and the good folks at House of Hair select me as the winner of the Rocklahoma contest, I can promise you nobody will sing along louder, raise their fist higher or carry the banner of rock and metal with more pride than me....that's the least I could do for something I owe that much to. Thanks so much.
-- Chris Johnson from Volgo, W. Listens to WFBY, 102.3FM out of Clarksburg, WV
Rocklahoma 2008 - Git yer Own Tickets and Join Us!!!
Do you want the rock & roll experience of a lifetime? If you're a loyal House of Hair listener, we KNOW you do! Rocklahoma is back, and this year, we're kickin' your ass for one extra day!! It’s going to be 5 days and nights of pure House of Hair bliss this July 9th - 13th in Pryor, Oklahoma!
If you've read our listener reviews, you know how amazing last year's show was. This year, as of presstime, the bands you will see are:
Bret Michaels
Sebastian Bach
LA Guns
Enuf Znuff
House of Lords
Jet Boy
Lita Ford
Night Ranger
Living Colour
Kingdome Come
Armored Saint
Lynch Mob
Black N Blue
Tora Tora
Every Mothers Nightmare
Pretty Boy Floyd
Beautful Creatures