Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween on the Horizon!

Alice Cooper's favorite holiday is coming up Friday and the FBY is gonna be out and about!
Come join me LIVE at the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston for the Hospital of Horrors Halloween Broadcast. We'll be playing rockin' tunes in the parking lot and of course it's one 0f the coolest and spookiest attractions in the entire Mountain State. Join us LIVE from 7pm-9pm and wear your best costume! We'll have FREE swag and a jamming good time.
For more details go to www.trans-alleghenylunaticasylum.com
And to get there take I-79 to Exit 99 and head to downtown Weston.....it's on the left!!!

Some interesting news about AC/DC's cool new album, "Black Ice"


A British newspaper has pointed out that the success of AC/DC albums has coincided with the darkest of economic times in the UK. AC/DC's latest album, Black Ice, has zoomed to the top of the UK album charts, giving them their first number one there in 28 years. It's been discovered that Back in Black topped the UK charts in 1980, just as inflation had reached 20% and unemployment inched towards 2 million. The Aussie band receded a little in popularity, by their own high standards, in the years of economic success that followed but, says a newspaper, "right on cue the album that returned the band to its heyday was The Razors Edge, released in 1990 -- just as Britain headed towards its last recession.
"The breakdown:

Britain's Highway to Hell 973 - AC/DC Economy: Start of the oil crisis, which saw the price quadruple

1980 - AC/DC release breakthrough album Back In Black Economy:Inflation in UK reaches 20% and unemployment nears 2 million

1990 - AC/DC score comeback with The Razor's EdgeEconomy: Recession in UK imminent

2008: AC/DC top UK album chartsEconomy: Biggest world recession in decades looms